- Canopytesting
A browser automation and testing framework for F#, enabling end-to-end testing of web applications.
- Expectotesting
A fluent testing framework for F# that emphasizes readability and expressiveness, offering a clean syntax for writing tests.
- FsChecktesting
A property-based testing framework for F#, enabling the generation of test cases based on defined properties.
- FsUnittesting
A unit testing library for F# that provides a fluent assertion syntax, making tests more readable and maintainable.
- NUnittesting
A popular unit testing framework for .NET, widely used in F# projects for writing and running unit tests.
- TickSpectesting
A behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for F#, allowing you to write executable specifications using a natural language syntax.
- Unquotetesting
A lightweight assertion library for F# that provides a concise syntax for writing assertions.
- xUnit.nettesting
A modern unit testing framework for .NET, compatible with F# and known for its extensibility and parallel test execution.