- Fable.Browser.Domfable
Type-safe Fable bindings for the DOM and browser APIs, facilitating interaction with web page elements.
- Fable.Corefable
The core library for Fable, providing essential runtime support and JavaScript interop for F#.
- Fable.DateFunctionsfable
F# bindings for date-fns, providing comprehensive date manipulation functions in Fable.
- Fable.Electronfable
Fable bindings for Electron, enabling desktop app development with Electron in F#.
- Fable.Elmishfable
An Elm-inspired architecture for Fable apps, offering a model-view-update pattern for state management.
- Fable.Elmish.Bridgefable
A library for real-time communication between Elmish applications and servers using WebSockets.
- Fable.Elmish.Browserfable
Utilities for integrating Elmish applications with browser APIs, enhancing web app capabilities.
- Fable.Elmish.Debuggerfable
A time-traveling debugger for Elmish applications, aiding in development and debugging.
- Fable.Elmish.HMRfable
Hot Module Replacement for Elmish applications, allowing live code updates during development.
- Fable.Elmish.Reactfable
Integration of Elmish with React, combining functional architecture with React's component model.
- Fable.Fetchfable
Simplified bindings for the Fetch API, facilitating HTTP requests in Fable applications.
- Fable.FontAwesomefable
Bindings for FontAwesome icons in Fable F#.
- Fable.FontAwesome.Freefable
Bindings for free FontAwesome icons in Fable F#.
- Fable.Formfable
A library for building type-safe forms in Fable applications, streamlining form creation and validation.
- Fable.Geojsonfable
Fable bindings for GeoJSON, allowing type-safe manipulation of GeoJSON data in F#.
- Fable.Leafletfable
Fable bindings for the Leaflet mapping library, facilitating interactive maps in Fable applications.
- Fable.MaterialUIfable
Bindings for Material-UI, bringing Google's Material Design components to Fable React applications.
- Fable.Mochafable
Bindings for the Mocha testing framework, enabling unit testing of Fable applications.
- Fable.Mochafable
Fable bindings for the Mocha testing framework, enabling testing of Fable applications using Mocha.
- Fable.Nodefable
Fable bindings for Node.js, allowing F# developers to write server-side applications with Fable.
- Fable.Reactfable
Bindings for React in Fable, enabling the creation of React applications using F#.
- Fable.ReactNativefable
Bindings for React Native, enabling mobile application development with F# and Fable.
- Fable.Rechartsfable
F# bindings for Recharts, a charting library built on React and D3, for creating responsive charts.
- Fable.Remotingfable
A library for building type-safe, transparent remote procedure calls between Fable clients and .NET servers.
- Fable.SignalRfable
F# bindings for SignalR, enabling real-time web functionalities in Fable applications.
- Fable.SimpleHttpfable
A lightweight HTTP client for Fable that simplifies making asynchronous HTTP requests.
- Fable.SimpleJsonfable
A simple and fast JSON serialization library for Fable, easing data interchange.
- Fable.Storefable
Manage state logic in Svelte, React apps and more
- Felizfable
A set of React bindings for Fable with an expressive API, simplifying React development in F#.
- Feliz.Plotlyfable
F# bindings for Plotly.js written in Feliz-style, allowing interactive data visualizations in Fable applications.
- Fulmafable
A set of Elmish bindings using Bulma CSS for Fable
- Glutinum (Express)fable
Fable bindings for Express and other Node.js libraries, provided by the Glutinum project.
- GoogleMapsfable
Bindings for Google Maps available within Fable.ReactGoogleMaps, enabling map integration in Fable apps.
- HMRfable
Hot Module Replacement functionality inlined in the Fable.Elmish.HMR repository, supporting live updates during development.