- Accord.NETdata-science
A framework for scientific computing in .NET, encompassing numerical linear algebra, optimization, statistics, and more.
- Aetherfunctional-programming
An optics library for F#, enabling powerful data structure manipulation with lenses and prisms.
- Amazon.SWF.Extensionscloud-computing
Extension to Amazon SDK’s SimpleWorkflow capabilities to make it more intuitive to use.
- Ariadnedata-science
A library for fitting Gaussian process regression models in F#, facilitating advanced statistical modeling.
- Atom (Ionide-Atom Plugin)ides-and-editors
Before Atom was archived, Atom had the Ionide-Atom plugin that provided F# support. While Atom is no longer being developed, users may still use it.
- Avalonia.FuncUIdesktop-development
An F# Model-View-Update framework for functional cross-platform UI development.
- AWS SDK for .NETcloud-computing
Similar to the Azure SDK, the AWS SDK for .NET can be used within F# applications to access and manage AWS cloud resources.
- Azure SDK for .NETcloud-computing
While not F# specific, the Azure SDK for .NET is fully compatible with F#, allowing developers to interact with a wide range of Azure cloud services.
- Azure Storage Type Providercloud-computing
A type provider for Azure Storage assets e.g. Blobs and Tables.
- Boleroweb-development
A web framework for F# that allows building interactive web applications using WebAssembly and Blazor.
- Canopytesting
A browser automation and testing framework for F#, enabling end-to-end testing of web applications.
- Chessiefunctional-programming
Focuses on functional error handling, providing Result and Option types for robust code.
- Chiacloud-computing
Chia is a F# library which contains HelperFunctions for reporting, logging and Azure cloud operations.
- Deedledata-science
An open library for data and time series manipulation, supporting structured data frames and time series.
- Deep.Netdata-science
A deep learning library for F# offering symbolic model differentiation, automatic differentiation, and compilation to CUDA GPUs.
- DiffSharpdata-science
An automatic differentiation library for F#, providing exact and efficient gradients for machine learning and optimization.
- DynamoDB.SQLcloud-computing
SQL-like external DSL for querying and scanning Amazon DynamoDB.
- Elmish.WPFdesktop-development
A production-ready library for building WPF apps with the MVU architecture.
- Emacs (F# Mode)ides-and-editors
A highly customizable text editor with an F# mode that provides syntax highlighting, indentation, and basic language support.
- ExcelProviderdata-retrieval
Allows typed access to Excel files, creating a domain-specific interface for data.
- Expectotesting
A fluent testing framework for F# that emphasizes readability and expressiveness, offering a clean syntax for writing tests.
- Fablemobile-development
A framework that allows using F# for web and mobile development with React, React Native, and HTML5.
- Fableweb-development
An F# to JS compiler designed to generate clean and standard code, integrating with JS development pipelines.
- Fable.Browser.Domfable
Type-safe Fable bindings for the DOM and browser APIs, facilitating interaction with web page elements.
- Fable.Corefable
The core library for Fable, providing essential runtime support and JavaScript interop for F#.
- Fable.DateFunctionsfable
F# bindings for date-fns, providing comprehensive date manipulation functions in Fable.
- Fable.Electronfable
Fable bindings for Electron, enabling desktop app development with Electron in F#.
- Fable.Elmishfable
An Elm-inspired architecture for Fable apps, offering a model-view-update pattern for state management.
- Fable.Elmish.Bridgefable
A library for real-time communication between Elmish applications and servers using WebSockets.
- Fable.Elmish.Browserfable
Utilities for integrating Elmish applications with browser APIs, enhancing web app capabilities.
- Fable.Elmish.Debuggerfable
A time-traveling debugger for Elmish applications, aiding in development and debugging.
- Fable.Elmish.HMRfable
Hot Module Replacement for Elmish applications, allowing live code updates during development.
- Fable.Elmish.Reactfable
Integration of Elmish with React, combining functional architecture with React's component model.
- Fable.Fetchfable
Simplified bindings for the Fetch API, facilitating HTTP requests in Fable applications.
- Fable.FontAwesomefable
Bindings for FontAwesome icons in Fable F#.
- Fable.FontAwesome.Freefable
Bindings for free FontAwesome icons in Fable F#.
- Fable.Formfable
A library for building type-safe forms in Fable applications, streamlining form creation and validation.
- Fable.Geojsonfable
Fable bindings for GeoJSON, allowing type-safe manipulation of GeoJSON data in F#.
- Fable.Leafletfable
Fable bindings for the Leaflet mapping library, facilitating interactive maps in Fable applications.
- Fable.MaterialUIfable
Bindings for Material-UI, bringing Google's Material Design components to Fable React applications.
- Fable.Mochafable
Bindings for the Mocha testing framework, enabling unit testing of Fable applications.
- Fable.Mochafable
Fable bindings for the Mocha testing framework, enabling testing of Fable applications using Mocha.
- Fable.Nodefable
Fable bindings for Node.js, allowing F# developers to write server-side applications with Fable.
- Fable.Reactfable
Bindings for React in Fable, enabling the creation of React applications using F#.
- Fable.ReactNativefable
Bindings for React Native, enabling mobile application development with F# and Fable.
- Fable.Rechartsfable
F# bindings for Recharts, a charting library built on React and D3, for creating responsive charts.
- Fable.Remotingfable
A library for building type-safe, transparent remote procedure calls between Fable clients and .NET servers.
- Fable.SignalRfable
F# bindings for SignalR, enabling real-time web functionalities in Fable applications.
- Fable.SimpleHttpfable
A lightweight HTTP client for Fable that simplifies making asynchronous HTTP requests.
- Fable.SimpleJsonfable
A simple and fast JSON serialization library for Fable, easing data interchange.
- Fable.Storefable
Manage state logic in Svelte, React apps and more
- Fabulousmobile-development
An open-source framework for building mobile and desktop apps using functional programming with F#. It uses the Model-View-Update (MVU) architecture.
- FAKEbuild-systems
A build automation tool for .NET, enabling F# scripts for build processes.
- Falcoweb-development
A functional micro-library for building ASP.NET Core applications using F#, with a low barrier to entry for those new to functional programming.
- Farmercloud-computing
An infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool for F# that simplifies the deployment of Azure resources, allowing for declarative and reproducible cloud infrastructure setups.
- Felizfable
A set of React bindings for Fable with an expressive API, simplifying React development in F#.
- Feliz.Plotlyfable
F# bindings for Plotly.js written in Feliz-style, allowing interactive data visualizations in Fable applications.
- FIOasynchronous-programming
A type-safe, concurrent library for I/O operations, based on pure functional programming.
- Firmweb-development
A blog-aware, static site generator using F#, supporting stand-alone pages, blog posts, RSS, tags, and post archive.
- FnuPlotdata-visualization
A lightweight F# wrapper for gnuplot, enabling the creation of various types of plots and charts.
- Fogcloud-computing
Fog brings the cloud down to earth and wraps it in something more easily used by F#. It provides a more functional approach to creating Windows Azure apps with F#.
- FParsecparsers
A parser combinator library for F#, useful for creating parsers for custom domain-specific languages.
- Fracture I/Oweb-development
A high-performance sockets library.
- Fracture.Httpweb-development
An HTTP server built on Fracture I/O.
- Frankweb-development
Provides a functional wrapper around the types in System.Net.Http, the library used by ASP.NET Web API.
- Freyaweb-development
F# support for OWIN; a functional web stack built on top of OWIN, offering additional layers for constructing OWIN pipelines.
- FsAlgdata-science
A lightweight linear algebra library supporting generic types, enabling writing generic linear algebra code with custom numeric types.
- FsBlogweb-development
A blog-aware, static site generator using F#, inspired by Jekyll and Octopress.
- FsChecktesting
A property-based testing framework for F#, enabling the generation of test cases based on defined properties.
- FsDecidercloud-computing
F# computation expression builder for AWS Simple Workflow deciders.
- FsFirestorecloud-computing
Functional F# library to access Firestore database hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Firebase.
- FSharp Compiler Servicescripting
Allows embedding F# Interactive for dynamic script execution in applications.
- FSharp-Control-Reactivereactive-programming
Offers F#-style modules for Rx, including observe and rxquery computation expressions.
- fsharp-gamecoregame-development
Provides a fleshed-out game loop from MonoGame with supporting classes for 2D games.
- FSharp.Azurecloud-computing
FSharp.Azure provides an idiomatic F# API to query and modify data in Azure table storage using immutable F# record types.
- FSharp.Chartingdata-visualization
A charting library suitable for interactive F# scripting, providing a range of chart types for data visualization.
- FSharp.Control.AsyncRxreactive-programming
A library for asynchronous reactive programming, the implementation of Async Observables (ReactiveX) in F#
- FSharp.Core.AsyncSeqasynchronous-programming
Handles asynchronous sequences, efficient for streaming data operations.
- FSharp.Datadata-retrieval
Provides type providers for data access, including CSV, HTML, JSON, and XML formats, as well as HTTP requests.
- FSharp.Plotlydata-visualization
An F# interactive charting library using Plotly.js, offering a wide array of interactive plots.
- FSharp.Reactivereactive-programming
A wrapper for Reactive Extensions (Rx), providing F# modules for observables.
- FSharp.Statsdata-science
A library for statistical computing in F#, offering tools for data analytics and statistical testing.
- FSharpPlusfunctional-programming
A base library enhancing F# for advanced functional programming, offering constructs like monads and optics.
- FSharpx.Extrasfunctional-programming
Offers additional functional programming utilities, including collection types and functions.
- FsHttpcloud-computing
A functional HTTP client library for F#, facilitating communication with cloud-based APIs and services.
- FsLabdata-science
A collection of F# packages for data science, including data analysis, visualization, and machine learning tools.
- FsPlotdata-visualization
An interactive data visualization library for F# powered by FunScript, supporting Google Charts and Highcharts.
- FsUnittesting
A unit testing library for F# that provides a fluent assertion syntax, making tests more readable and maintainable.
- FsUnitygame-development
F# libraries, tools, and plugins designed for the Unity3d Game Engine.
- FsXamldesktop-development
A library for using XAML with F# in WPF applications.
- Fulmafable
A set of Elmish bindings using Bulma CSS for Fable
- Garnetgame-development
Lightweight F# game composition library featuring entity-component-system (ECS) and actor-like messaging.
- Giraffeweb-development
An F# micro web framework for building rich web applications, leveraging ASP.NET Core's features.
- Glutinum (Express)fable
Fable bindings for Express and other Node.js libraries, provided by the Glutinum project.
- GoDotgame-development
Tutorial on integrating F# with the Godot game engine for game development.
- GoogleMapsfable
Bindings for Google Maps available within Fable.ReactGoogleMaps, enabling map integration in Fable apps.
- HMRfable
Hot Module Replacement functionality inlined in the Fable.Elmish.HMR repository, supporting live updates during development.
- Hopacasynchronous-programming
A concurrent programming library inspired by Concurrent ML, aiding in asynchronous and parallel tasks.
- IfSharpdata-science
F# for Jupyter Notebooks, enabling interactive data analysis and visualization.
- Interstellardesktop-development
A simple F# wrapper around web browsers for desktop apps.
- m2cgendata-science
A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into native F# code with zero dependencies.
- Math.NET Numericsdata-science
An open-source numerical library for .NET and Mono, providing methods and algorithms for numerical computations.
- Math.NET Symbolicsdata-science
A basic open-source computer algebra library for .NET, Silverlight, and Mono, written entirely in F#.
- MATLAB Type Providerdata-retrieval
An F# type provider for higher-fidelity integration between F# and MATLAB.
- MBracedata-science
A .NET open-source framework and runtime for large-scale computations in cloud computing environments.
- ML.NETdata-science
An open-source, cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET developers to create custom ML models.
- MonoGamemobile-development
An open implementation of a cross-platform gaming framework originally based on XNA. It supports F# for game development.
- Neovim (F# LSP)ides-and-editors
Neovim, a modern fork of Vim, can be configured to use the F# Language Server Protocol (LSP) for advanced F# support.
- Nu Game Enginegame-development
Cross-platform F# 2D game engine built in the functional style, utilizing SDL2 and Farseer Physics.
- Nugetdependency-management
The official .NET package manager, essential for managing project dependencies.
- Numldata-science
A machine learning library intended to ease the use of standard modeling techniques for both prediction and clustering.
- NUnittesting
A popular unit testing framework for .NET, widely used in F# projects for writing and running unit tests.
- OpenSilverweb-development
An open-source framework designed to facilitate the development of rich internet applications using C# and XAML, now supporting F#.
- Paketdependency-management
A dependency manager for .NET, facilitating package installation and management.
- PythonProviderdata-retrieval
A Python type provider for F#, enabling integration with Python libraries.
- Riderides-and-editors
A cross-platform .NET IDE from JetBrains with excellent F# support, including code analysis, refactoring, and debugging.
- S3 Type Providercloud-computing
An experimental type provider for Amazon S3.
- Saturnweb-development
An F# web framework built on top of Giraffe and ASP.NET Core, offering a developer-friendly experience.
- SIMDArraydata-science
SIMD-enhanced array extensions for faster computation in F#.
- SpiderEyedesktop-development
A cross-platform wrapper for hosting web content in desktop apps.
- SQLProviderdata-retrieval
Provides a typed interface for SQL databases, supporting queries and schema exploration.
- Suaveweb-development
A simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition.
- Sublime Text (F# Package)ides-and-editors
A sophisticated text editor with a package that provides F# syntax highlighting and basic language support.
- Synapsesdata-science
A neural network library in F#, facilitating the creation and training of neural networks.
- TaskBuilder.fsasynchronous-programming
Simplifies writing asynchronous code with .NET Tasks using computation expressions.
- TickSpectesting
A behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for F#, allowing you to write executable specifications using a natural language syntax.
- Unquotetesting
A lightweight assertion library for F# that provides a concise syntax for writing assertions.
- Vim (F# Plugins)ides-and-editors
A highly configurable text editor with various plugins that provide F# language support, including syntax highlighting and code completion.
- Visual Studioides-and-editors
The official IDE from Microsoft, providing comprehensive F# support, including debugging, IntelliSense, and project management.
- VS Code (Ionide Plugin)ides-and-editors
A VS Code plugin that provides F# language support, including IntelliSense, code navigation, and debugging. It is the core plugin for F# development in VS Code.
- Vulpesdata-science
A machine learning application using a deep belief network and connecting to NVIDIA GPUs via Alea.cuBase.
- WebSharperweb-development
An F#-based web programming platform including a compiler from F# code to JavaScript.
- Windows Formsdesktop-development
A framework for building Windows desktop applications directly with F#.
- WPFdesktop-development
A framework for building Windows desktop applications directly with F#.
- Xakebuild-systems
A declarative build utility for F#, offering parallelism inspired by Shake.
- Xamarinmobile-development
A framework for building cross-platform apps using C#, F#, or Visual Basic. It allows developers to create native apps for iOS and Android.
- Xelmishgame-development
Combines XNA with Elmish for 2D game development in F#, enabling functional game architecture.
- XPlotdata-visualization
A collection of older plotting libraries for F#, utilizing Plotly and Google Charts as backends.
- xUnit.nettesting
A modern unit testing framework for .NET, compatible with F# and known for its extensibility and parallel test execution.